2024 - 2025 Prekindergarten Family Engagement Plan
“The mutual responsibility of families, schools and communities to build relationships to support student learning and achievement, support family well-being and the continuous learning and development of children, families, and educators. Family engagement is fully integrated in the child’s educational experience and is both culturally and linguistically appropriate.” Texas Administrative Code §102.1003.
Fredericksburg Primary School Pre-K Program Goals
*Campus goals have been developed utilizing district and campus data including parent input and program self-assessment data results
Performance Goals:
Provide teachers the opportunity to review and study Pre-K Guidelines and create pacing guides annually.
Utilize instructional strategies with the help of instructional coaches that engage students, create intrigue and generate curiosity for learning on a daily basis in every classroom.
Continue to provide teachers in the core content area time and support to work in professional learning communities.
Support the use of classroom assistants to narrow the achievement gap among student populations.
Teachers are provided guidance and support on how to use assessment data to inform instruction to develop the needs of their students.
Continue to provide support and ensure teachers spend equal interaction time with students addressing student behavior and support scaffolding learning.
What is a Family Engagement Plan?
Some of a child’s most important cognitive development happens during their preschool years. By taking an active role in the early childhood education process, families can help ensure their child has all the support they need to develop to their full potential.
Family Engagement helps extend teaching outside the classroom, creates a more positive experience for children, and helps children perform better when they are in school.
It is essential for families to support the learning that happens in the preschool settings at home as well. Families who are in tune with what is happening in their child’s preschool classroom are better able to establish a connection between what is learned at school and what takes place in the home. This connection is a key component of a child’s development and supports further learning.
Not only does family engagement help extend teaching outside the classroom; it creates a more positive experience for children and helps children perform better when they are in school.
In accordance with TEA's High Quality Prekindergarten Program, our department with staff and families, created a Family Engagement Plan to promote appropriate early learning practices supported by the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines.
FISD, in accordance with the House Bill 3 High-Quality Prekindergarten guidelines, created a High-Quality Prekindergarten Family Engagement Plan to promote partnership between our school, families, and community to ensure the successful outcomes for our youngest learners in prekindergarten programs. Collaboratively, we all share the responsibility to encourage and support initiatives, activities, and practices that enhance the success of student learning and achievement.
Fredericksburg ISD is here to support you! Please contact us if you are in need of assistance.
Family Engagement Plan Development Committee Members:
Leslie Durst (District C&I), Blaine Hahn (FPS Principal), Maria Hudgins (District Title I Coordinator),, Charla Reeves (FPS Assistant Principal), Kim Wilson (FPS Counselor), Mandi Valdez (PK4 Teacher/ Lead Teacher), Ismelda Richter (Dual Language PK 4 Teacher), Hilda Nevarez (Dual Language PK4 Teacher), Mandi Priess (PK4 Teacher), Amanda Mattocks (PK4 Teacher), Melanie LeBlanc (PK4 Teacher), Dorothy Torrez (PK3 Teacher), Brittany Sparks (PK3 Teacher). Ariel Cantu (Parent), and Whitney Crenwelge (Parent)
Contact Information for Families:
Fredericksburg Primary School: (830)997-7421
Thank You for your Parent & Community Engagement and Support!
Engaging Families
Expand the content below to see how FISD engages families.
- FISD Engages Families by Facilitating Family to Family Support
- FISD Engages Families by Equipping Caregivers With Tools to Enhance and Extend Learning
- FISD Engages Families to Increase Caregiver Participation in Decision Making
- FISD Engages Families by Establishing a Network of Community Resources
- FISD Supports Families in Meeting Their Children’s Learning Benchmarks by Developing Staff Skills in Evidence-Based Practices
- FISD Engages Families by Evaluating Family Engagement Efforts and Utilizes Results for Continuous Improvement
FISD Engages Families by Facilitating Family to Family Support
FISD Engages Families by Equipping Caregivers With Tools to Enhance and Extend Learning
FISD Engages Families to Increase Caregiver Participation in Decision Making
FISD Engages Families by Establishing a Network of Community Resources
FISD Supports Families in Meeting Their Children’s Learning Benchmarks by Developing Staff Skills in Evidence-Based Practices
FISD Engages Families by Evaluating Family Engagement Efforts and Utilizes Results for Continuous Improvement
School-Parent Compact
Research shows that when parents are involved in schools, students achieve more, attendance is better, grades and test scores are higher, and graduation rates increase. They are also more likely to reach their highest potential for intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth. Family involvement in education is critical for the success of students. To accomplish this, parents, teachers, and students will effectively communicate and work together to share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. We ask that you agree to do this by signing and returning this agreement.
Click the tabs below to see each agreement.
Fredericksburg Primary School is Title I
FPS is identified as a Title I school as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Title I is designed to support state and local school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic standards and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support parental involvement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with parents, a written Family Engagement Policy.